A proud member of

January 2023

Happy New Year and welcome back, our children have settled back into school well after the Christmas break. We have lots of new starters into our Nursery who are doing so well.



I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mrs Sawyer to the teaching team at Crofton Infants school. Mrs Sawyer is our Nursery teacher and SENCo she has made a fantastic start and we are so lucky to have her join us.



Drop in for Parents of SEND children 26th January

Mrs Sawyer will be holding a drop-in session for parents of SEND children who wish to have a chat about their child, ask any questions or support with paperwork. Please contact the main office to arrange an appointment.



Attendance and punctuality

We would like to remind parents and carers of the importance of reporting absences via the school office. As part of our safeguarding first response procedures, we may conduct a home visit should absence not be notified. Any unauthorised absence will be recorded as an ‘O’ code in the class register.

A polite reminder that the school day begins at 8:30am, doors close at 8:40 the gates will be locked shortly after with registers closing at 8:45. Arrivals between 8:45 and 8:55am will be recorded as late (L code) as we have closed the registers. Arrivals after 8.55am will be recorded as (U code).

We monitor attendance and punctuality closely. Upon reaching a cumulative threshold, we have a duty to report instances of unauthorised absence (O code) and lateness (U code) to Wakefield council who may issue a penalty notice (classed as an offence) under the 1996 Education Act (Section 444(1). For further information please see the attendance policy on our website under the policies section.

We are currently running a class incentive where the winning class with the highest attendance each week will get a reward the following Friday. In addition, the class will earn a star towards a movie afternoon for the winning class each half term.



Maths Day

Friday the 3rd February is the NSPCC Maths Day. We are asking children to come to school in non- uniform based on a number theme. Children will have a fun maths day, taking part in lots of maths activities in their classrooms. We ask that children can bring a donation that day, which will support the NSPCC and their very valuable work.



Mental-Health Week

The 6th-12th February will be children’s mental health week. Children’s Mental Health Week is organised by the mental health charity, Place2Be and focuses on the importance of looking after emotional wellbeing from an early age. This year’s theme is “Growing Together’. The theme is about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow. Challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential. Below is the link to the page for families to access a range of activities. The school uses the SCARF scheme for RSHE. We will be having a range of activities throughout the week culminating with wear your scarf to school day on Friday 10th February.




Nut Allergy

Can we remind parents that we are a nut free school. We have children in school who have a nut allergy and it’s important we keep them safe. Do not send any food containing nuts in lunchboxes (this includes 30 hours children). Thank you.



World Book Day

World Book Day this year will be held in school on Friday 3rd March. Crofton Infants will be taking part in this fun day with more details to follow. Due to a History workshop taking place on the official world book day we are holding it on Friday 3rd March this year.



Reading at Home

Thank you to all our parents and carers who are supporting children by reading at home, it makes a huge difference to progress in reading. Can you please ensure that reading books and reading records are brought to school every day. The school purchased new reading books last year and already many books are missing from the scheme, if you have any books at home please return them to school, thank you.



Breakfast Club

Please can we remind parents and carers of children that don’t go to breakfast club regularly, to notify the school office when they will be attending breakfast club. This is to ensure we have the correct staff to children ratio. Breakfast club starts at 8am every morning.




Polite reminder that parents and carers should not park in pedestrian areas or on yellow lines. We have had two monitoring visits by Wakefield Council civic enforcement to ensure that road users are parking near school in a safe manner.



Dates for your diary


Thursday 26th January SEND drop in
Friday 3rd  February NSPCC Maths day – non-uniform day
Friday 10th  February Wear your scarf to school day (child mental health week)
Friday 10th February School closes for half term break
Monday 20th February School opens for Spring term
Friday  3rd March World Book Day



Thank you for your continued support


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