We welcome your comments, suggestions and questions.
If you require any further information or copies of our policies/Documents please contact one of our office staff.
Senior Administrator: Mrs S Warwick
Administrator: Mrs S Caldow
Executive Headteacher: Mrs C Holloway
Head of School: Mrs D Lindley
SENCo: Mrs D Sawyer
Chair of Governors: Mrs A Eggleston
Crofton Infants School, high Street, Crofton, Wakefield, WF4 1NG
Telephone: 01924 967606
For Waterton Academy Trust contact details, please visit: Contact Us
URN Number: 142493
All Freedom of Information requests (FOI) and Subject Access Requests (SAR) relating to Waterton Academy Trust, an individual academy within Waterton Academy Trust or all entities within Waterton Academy Trust should be directed the Data Protection Team on 01924 240767 or email dataprotection@watertonacademytrust.org
A member of the Data Protection Team will be in contact with you to inform acknowledgement of the request within 48 hours (Monday – Friday) and explain any next steps.
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