A proud member of

February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to the Spring term, the daffodils and snowdrop are out and hopefully we will see some more Spring sunshine over the next few weeks.



Attendance and punctuality

Your child’s attendance was sent out to you just before the half term break. The school target is 96% or more and children less than 96% will we monitored. Any child whose attendance falls below 90% is classed as persistent absence, at this point parents may be asked in to school for a meeting with the educational welfare officer and parents may be fined. Please support your child by sending them to school every day. Thank you



World Book Day

World Book day will be held this year on Friday 3rd March. Children are welcome to come to school on Friday wearing a book themed costume. All children will receive a book token on the day.



Reading at Home

Thank you to all our parents and carers who are supporting children by reading at home, it makes a huge difference to progress in reading. Can you please ensure that reading books and reading records are brought to school every day. The school purchased new reading books last year and already many books are missing from the scheme, if you have any books at home please return them to school, thank you.



Supporting the Earthquake victims

Thank you to everyone who donated in support of the victims of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria on Friday.  £201 was raised by the school community.



Asthma Friendly School

Crofton Infants School was recognised last week with a certificate of achievement by the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. We are now officially an ‘Asthma Friendly School.



Wakefield Council Climate Action

Attached to the newsletter is a booklet from Wakefield council ‘Eat better for your pocket and the planet’ which supports the rising cost of living crisis. We hope this is useful to our community.



Parent Consultations

Parent consultations will be held in school on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th March, letters will be sent out later this wee. Tuesday 14th will not be available for nursery parents, an alternative date will come out to you. If you are unable to arrange an appointment for these evenings please speak to your child’s class teacher who will be able to offer an alternative date. We hope to see all at our parents at consultation.



Lunchtime supervisor vacancy

We currently have a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor. If you would be interested in applying for this role please call in to the office for an application form or it can be found on the Waterton Academy Trust website. We ask that all applications are returned to school by Friday 24th March.



Coronation Bank Holiday

An additional bank holiday has been agreed for May 6th this year.


2023/24 holidays have been agreed by Wakefield Council please see the attached sheet. May I remind parents that term time holidays will not be authorised.



Dates for your diary


Wednesday 1st March 4.00pm Welcome meeting for new to nursery Easter starters
Friday 3rd March World Book Day
Wednesday 8th March 1.15pm FEET session for Easter starters
Monday 13th March 3.15-6.15pm Parent consultations – letters to follow
Tuesday 14th March 3.15-6.15pm Parent consultations – letters to follow
Wednesday 15th March 1.15pm FEET session for Easter starters
Friday 17th March 2.30pm Reception Mother’s Day assembly – more information to follow
Tuesday 21st March 1.15pm FEET session for Easter starters
Wednesday 22nd March Year 1 visit to Leeds Industrial Museum
Thursday 23rd March 5pm – 7pm Waterton’s got talent event – Normanton Junior School
Wednesday 29th March EYFS Stay and Play – more information to follow





Thank you for your continued support


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