A proud member of

June 23

Dear Parents and Carers,



Now we are seeing the weather warm up the children are spending more time outdoors. With this in mind please send your children in appropriate clothing and sun cream. This may be hats for the sunshine but also a waterproof coat as the British weather can be unpredictable and we can get a rain shower at any time.



Water Safety

After the recent tragedies in our area it is important that children understand the dangers of playing in water. Please see the website for advice.




Health Week

One of our most popular weeks of the year is approaching. From Monday 26th -Friday 30th June children will be taking part in a variety of activities to support physical and mental health including rugby, mindfulness, skipping, trampolining and an Army fitness event. Mrs Butler our PE leader has worked hard to ensure that children have the opportunity to try new activities and learn new skills. Historically we raise money for a local charity during this week and this year school will be supporting the Local Air Ambulance. We would like to ask you to sponsor your child for taking part in the Army fitness event to raise money. Please click the ‘Just giving link’ here

All events are free but we ask that £1 donation is made for this worthwhile charity. Thank you

All children should come to school in PE kit every day.



Transition to Crofton Junior School

There will be 2 transition days for the Year 2 children to Crofton Junior School this year. These days give the children a chance to spend time with their Year 3 teacher in their new classes.

The days will be Tuesday 4th July and Thursday 13th July. There will be a meeting for new to Year 3 parents and carers at Crofton Junior School on Thursday 6th July at 6pm.



Transition through school

Children will be moving to their new classes and meeting their new teachers on Tuesday 4th July. Children will spend the morning with their new teacher in their new classroom.




We are looking to create a PTA group starting from September. If you would be interested in being part of the Crofton Infant School PTA, please put your name down at the school office. Then money raised from PTA events would support the school to provide additional experiences for our children.



Reading at Home

Thank you to all our parents and carers who are supporting children by reading at home, it makes a huge difference to progress in reading. Can you please ensure that reading books and reading records are brought to school every day. Could you please check that all reading books are back in school before the end of the summer term. Staff can then check the scheme is ready for next year. Thank you




Thank you to all those parents and carers who came in to school last week to take part in the maths workshops.



Attendance and punctuality

We would like to remind parents and carers of the importance of reporting absences via the school office. As part of our safeguarding first response procedures, we may conduct a home visit should absence not be notified. Any unauthorised absence will be recorded as an ‘O’ code in the class register.

A polite reminder that the school day begins at 8:30am, doors close at 8:40 the gates will be locked shortly after with registers closing at 8:45. Arrivals between 8:45 and 8:55am will be recorded as late (L code) as we have closed the registers. Arrivals after 8.55am will be recorded as (U code).

We monitor attendance and punctuality closely. Upon reaching a cumulative threshold, we have a duty to report instances of unauthorised absence (O code) and lateness (U code) to Wakefield council who may issue a penalty notice (classed as an offence) under the 1996 Education Act (Section 444(1). For further information please see the attendance policy on our website under the policies section.

We are currently running a class incentive where the winning class with the highest attendance each week will get a reward the following Friday.



Dates for your diary


We have a very busy term ahead, please check dates carefully


Date Event
Tuesday 20th June  5.30pm New to Reception parents meeting
Tuesday 20th June Air Ambulance workshop – donations welcome
Wednesday 21st  June 8.45am SEND parent coffee morning
Wednesday 21st  June1.15pm -2.15pm New to nursery FEET session
Thursday 22nd Year 2 visit to The Hepworth – (Please ensure all permission slips and contributions are in)
Thursday 22nd June 5.30pm New to nursery parents evening
Monday 26th – Friday 30th June Health Week – sports clothes all week
Tuesday 27th 1.30pm Year 1 & 2 Sports Day ( year 1 & 2 parents/carers can attend)
Wednesday 28th 1.15pm-2.15pm New to nursery FEET session
Tuesday 4th July Transition day through school and to Juniors
Thursday 6th July New to Year 3 parent meeting at Crofton Juniors
Tuesday 11th July (am) Year 2 End of Year production
Wednesday 12th July (pm) Year 2 End of year production
Thursday 13th July Year 2 Transition to Junior School day 2
Thursday 13th July EYFS Beach Day
Monday 17th July Nursery Leavers visit to Lotherton Hall
Wednesday 19th July 4pm Year 2 Leavers Party
Friday 21st July School closes for summer break



Thank you for your continued support

Mrs D Lindley

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