Dear Parents and Carers,
As the excitement of Christmas begins to grow, I wanted to let you know about the events happening in school over the next two weeks.
Reindeer Run
The children will be wearing their antlers and completing the ‘Reindeer Run’ on behalf of Wakefield Hospice on Tuesday 13th December. The children will be running a kilometre around the playground. Children are asked to make a voluntary contribution of £1 for taking part and to support the work of the hospice. More details of how to sponsor your child will follow.
Christmas Lunch
Christmas lunch will take place on Wednesday 7th December.
Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas jumper day will take place on Friday 16th December; children can come to school in Christmas jumpers/clothing and make a voluntary donation. We look forward to seeing all the fun designs.
Party Day
Wednesday 14th December is Christmas Party Day for all children in school. Children are welcome to come to school in non-uniform but please ensure clothing is suitable for outdoors, as children will still be having playtimes. School will be providing the food for the children.
Nursery Party
Mrs Lindley asks that all children come to nursery in the morning at 9:00am on the 14th December and stay until 12.00pm. There will be no afternoon nursery. This is so the afternoon children can enjoy a party with a special visitor! 30hrs children will start at 9am and finish at 3pm or 3:15pm for extended hours.
Early years and Year 1 are busy practicing for their nativities which take place next week:
EYFS Tuesday 6th December 9.15am Wednesday 7th December 2.00pm
Year 1 Tuesday 6th December 2.00pm Wednesday 7th December 9:30am
Unfortunately, due to the size of the school hall and health and safety guidance these have to be ticketed events, you should have received your tickets this week. If you have not requested tickets please speak to the school office.
Church Visit
As part of our Christmas celebrations all children in school will be going to Crofton Church on Tuesday 13th December to enjoy a short service with Reverend Louise.
Early Years Nursery Rhyme Challenge
A huge thank you to all our Nursery and Reception parents for supporting this year’s nursery rhyme challenge. A total of £200 was raised. The Early Years team will let you know what they have decided to buy to support children’s learning.
Parent Workshop
Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend the parent workshop ‘managing children’s emotions’ with Kathryn Thomas. We hope you found the evening valuable.
Flu Immunisations
Flu immunisation mop ups will take place in school on Tuesday 13th December for children from Reception to Year 2. This is for children that were absent on Tuesday 1st November and consent was given.
As you will all be aware attendance is one of our priorities here at Crofton Infant School, getting children in to a good routine of coming to school every day is vital. The Trust Attendance Policy was issued to all parents recently and is followed by the school. Our attendance target is 96% or above and we would want every child to achieve this. Should any parent/carer have difficulty with attendance please speak to Mrs Caldow our attendance officer in school and we will do all we can to support you. Thank you to all our parents and carers who support good attendance.
At the end of this term we will be holding a raffle for every child who has attendance of 96% or above. All parents will be receiving a copy of their child’s attendance over the last term.
Close for Christmas
School will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and re-open on Tuesday 3rd January.
Thank you for your continued support and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you an enjoyable and safe Christmas from everyone at Crofton Infants.
Mrs C Holloway