A proud member of

Year 2 – Bees

A warm welcome to Year 2.


I am Mr O’Donnell the teacher for Bee Class. This year I am lucky enough to work with Mrs Hall who is our full time Teaching Assistant. Miss McAdam, Mrs Burgin and Mrs Conway also work across the two classes in Year 2 working with small groups of children or supporting individuals. In Bee Class we try hard to ‘Bee the Bee’s knees!’ and always ‘Bee the best that we can bee’. We work together as a team alongside our other Year 2s, Grasshopper Class. In Year 2 we encourage children to learn in an exciting, creative and supportive environment. Each child is treated as an individual and encouraged to take greater control of their own learning as they move towards the end of Key Stage 1. In Bee Class we have high expectations. Our aim is to develop independent, hard working children, who believe in themselves, enjoy learning and are resilient. We promote and encourage these skills and attributes in order to make a smooth transition to Junior School at the end of the year. Our daily routine starts with a morning activity to complete before the register. We have our English and Maths lessons in the morning, including Phonics and Handwriting. Our afternoons begin with reading and then we do lots of fun and interesting things relating to our topic, which help deepen our knowledge and understanding of other areas of the curriculum.


Our topics this year are:


  • Castles
  • Darkness and light
  • Explorers
  • The Great Fire of London
  • Mad about Minibeasts
  • Home & Away


To find out more about our topics and the learning that takes place each half term please look at our half termly ‘Parent Information Sheet’, attached below.







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