A proud member of

October 23

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we reach the end of the fifth week of autumn term we would like to acknowledge that settling in to the rhythm of a new academic year can be tiring (for parents/carers, children and staff alike). Attached to this newsletter is some information about sleep to help us all get through the winter months.



Parent consultations

Parent Consultation will take place on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th October more information to follow.



Harvest Festival

All main school children will be taking part in a Harvest Festival with Rev Louise Tinniswood at Crofton Church on Tuesday 17th October 2023. We are asking parents/carers to donate a tinned or packaged product for the food bank to support families in our community who need support. Please send your donations in to school before 17th October 2023 thank you.



Primary Science Quality Mark

The Primary Science Quality mark has been awarded to Crofton Infants School this month to celebrate our commitment to excellence in science leadership, teaching and learning.

PSQM is a comprehensive evidence-based professional development programme that effectively develops science leadership, ensuring teachers have the knowledge, capability and support they need to transform science education and shape future generations.

The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire.

Helen Sizer, PSQM Co-Director said: ‘By enabling effective science leadership, PSQM is powering the potential of all children to see the relevance and importance of science in their lives, now and in the future.  Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning and the profile and quality of science in each accredited school is very high. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, headteachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”


Celebrating Sporting Achievements

As part of our PE curriculum at Crofton Infants’ we encourage children to lead an active and healthy lifestyle and we recognise that many children are part of clubs and teams outside of school. To celebrate sporting achievements in these clubs and teams we would like to encourage your child to bring in any medal, certificate or trophies they have been recently awarded and this will then be shared as part of the Friday Celebration assembly each week. Please bring any achievement in on the Friday morning and they will be sent home the same day. If you have given permission, then a photograph of your child with their achievement will be displayed as part of our PE display.



Could all parents/carers tell the adults on the doors or let the office know if someone different is going to collect your child at the end of the school day. It is important that we follow safeguarding procedures and only allow children in to the care of a known adult. Please be aware that teachers may not recognise all parents and grandparents if they don’t come every day. Children under 16 will not be permitted to collect children.



PFA Halloween non-uniform day

We will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 27th October. Children are welcome to come in age appropriate Halloween themed outfits (no masks please) or any non-uniform for a donation to the school.



MacMillan Coffee Morning

Our Macmillan Coffee morning was a huge success and raised nearly £300 for this very worthwhile charity. Special thanks go to Mrs Clay who made a fabulous cake as a raffle prize. It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents in school we hope you all enjoyed the morning and being served by our very capable year 2 pupils!



Flu Immunisations

Flu immunisations will take place in school on Monday 4th December for children from Reception to Year 2. Please look out for the consent forms which will be coming out to you soon.




As per government guidance, it is important that all children attend school to support their education, well-being and wider development. Missing time in the classroom, no matter how little, risks pupils falling further behind.

We would like to remind parents and carers that it is the parent’s duty to send their child to school every day and to inform the school office if their child is unable to attend. We also advice that appointments for your child should be booked out of school hours wherever possible. We appreciate that this is not always feasible, therefore should they be required to attend an appointment during school hours, we would ask to have sight of an appointment card/letter. It is the school’s responsibility to record attendance and follow up absences, supporting and working with all families in our community to promote outstanding attendance.

It goes without saying that pupils with higher overall absence tend to achieve less. It is highly unlikely that any leave will be authorised by school and holiday fines will be issued. We have a whole school attendance target of 96% currently our attendance is below this mainly due to term time holidays. Any child whose attendance falls below 92% will be asked to come in to school to meet with the head teacher and EWO who can offer support to improve attendance.

We thank you for working with us to support good attendance.


School Photographs

Tempest photography will be in school on 8th November for individual school photographs.


Year 2 meeting

Mr O’Donnell and Mrs Butler are holding a Year 2 parent meeting on 19th October at 3:30pm. This is an opportunity for you to find out about the Year 2 curriculum and the expectations for year 2 pupils. All Year 2 parents are welcome to attend.



Reception Open Evening; for new to full time school September 2024 intake

School will be open on 18th October at 4:30pm for any potential parents/carers to come and look around and find out about the amazing work taking place in Early Years. Open to all parents/carers of children starting full time school in September 2024.


Phonics Evenings

Reception Tuesday 10th October 4-5pm

Year 1 Wednesday 11th October 4-5pm


Save the Date!

Following on from parent requests we are fortunate to be able to offer a special workshop to support parents with sleep and good bedtime routines. Future in Minds will be delivering “Sleep Success” assembly to the children, followed by a parent workshop in the hall at;

Monday 6th November 3:30-4:30pm 



Parent Governor

A vacancy has come up for a parent and a community governor. If you are interested in being part of the governing team who support the school please telephone to the office to find out more. If we have a number of parents interested in this role then we will hold a ballot. Please see attached information.



Dates for your diary


Year 2 Parents Meeting Thursday 19th October 3:30pm
Harvest Festival Reception & KS1 Tuesday 17th October
Whole School Parent Consultations Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th October
Nursery Harvest Festival Tuesday 18th October
Halloween themed non uniform day Friday 27th October
School closes for half term break Friday 27th October
School opens Monday 6th November
Flu Vaccinations Monday 4th December
Tempest Individual School photographs Wednesday 8th November



Yours sincerely,



Mrs C Holloway


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