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At Crofton Infants’ School RE is taught using the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus 2018-23.

It is our belief that the teaching of a range of religious and worldviews is an essential element in providing pupils with the knowledge and understanding required to enable them to develop their ideas, values and identities, and provide them with the skills and experiences to participate positively and with tolerance in our diverse society.


The aim of teaching RE is that all pupils:
  • Know and understand a range of religions and worldviews.
  • Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impacts of religions and worldviews.
  • Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews.

Children in the EYFS are taught about special stories, people, places, times and objects and why these things are special. They are taught about belonging to a community and the natural world in which we live. The aim is to develop their imagination, curiosity and appreciation of the world through first hand experiences.


Children in Key Stage 1 are taught about the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths. They are taught about the beliefs, sacred places, celebrations and sacred times of these religious groups. They are taught what it means to belong to a faith community.

The intention is that RE is taught through first hand experiences in art, music, artefacts, stories, celebrations, religious buildings and through visits and visitors.


The school has strong links with All Saints Church in Crofton, children visit throughout the year, and Reverend Louise is a regular visitor to school for special assemblies.


The Implementation of RE

RE is taught in both Reception and KS1 as a discrete weekly lesson following the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus. It is also taught as special themed days or weeks, throughout the EYFS, at times of religious festivals and celebrations.

Teachers plan for weekly lessons using the themes and outcomes suggested in the planned half termly units of study from the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus.  Lessons are planned carefully with the needs of the individual class in mind. The themes within the syllabus take the form of key questions to be explored.


For the EYFS these key questions are:

  • Which stories are special and why?
  • Which people are special and why?
  • Which places are special and why?
  • Which times are special and why?
  • Where do we belong?
  • What is special about our world?

For Key Stage 1 these key questions are:

  • Who is a Christian and what do they believe?
  • Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?
  • Who is Jewish and what do they believe?
  • What can we learn from sacred books?
  • What makes some places sacred?
  • How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?
  • What does it mean to belong to a faith community?
  • How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter?

Within each RE lesson teachers ensure that the children are aware of the objectives and expectations. Teachers explain that they will be learning about different religions, faiths and beliefs, that they are expected to listen to and respect the thoughts, feelings and ideas of others, and that they will be comparing the ideas, beliefs and religions of others to their own. Teachers will introduce key vocabulary, ask questions and give opportunities for reflection and discussion.


Wider opportunities and supporting experiences within the subject

  • Visitors from the local community.
  • Visitors from different faith communities.
  • Celebrations of special events and religious festivals – Diwali, Christmas, Easter, Chinese New Year, Harvest festival.
  • Visits to church.
  • Charity days and fund-raising events.
  • Special assemblies
  • Events for parents – Mother’s Day assembly, Christmas Nativity, Christmas/Easter workshops.



At Crofton Infants School, we provide the teaching and learning experiences required for the children to develop the foundations of a knowledge about and understanding of a range of religions and world views. We develop the children’s confidence so that they are willing and able to express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and world views. We provide the strong foundations so that children will gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and world views.


Assessment and attainment

Throughout RE lessons children’s knowledge and understanding is continually assessed by the class teacher through observation and careful questioning. Any misconceptions are immediately addressed and next steps planned for. Teachers are aware of the needs of each individual child within the class.


The children’s knowledge and understanding will be assessed against the learning outcomes in the syllabus which will demonstrate the impact of the teaching of R.E. and inform teachers as to whether pupils are on track to meet the end of year expectations.

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