To continue to create a happy, secure learning environment where the needs of all members of the school are valued equally, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ability and to promote equality of opportunity for all.
- To provide a broad, balanced, relevant, interesting and creative curriculum appropriate to individual children’s needs – to teach basic knowledge and give practice in skills and reasoning and also to stimulate wonder, curiosity and imagination.
- To provide an exciting learning environment where learning and achievement are celebrated, expectations are high and we strive the realise the full potential of the children
- To promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through our teaching, including the need to eat healthily and to take regular exercise
- To foster a positive ethos in the whole school community, where people are happy, confident and secure in a caring and loving environment, with emphasis on:
- Fairness, promotion of self-esteem, self-discipline, self-motivation and independence
- Respect for others, tolerance and appreciation of each others’ strengths and weaknesses
- Co-operation, teamwork, problem solving, perseverance
- Development of the ability to express emotions
- To promote a positive, lasting partnership between home and school
- To establish the school as an integral part of the whole community and to foster understanding
- To consider carefully and cater for the needs of children as they enter school, move into new groups and transfer to Junior School, and to begin to equip them with the skills they will need later in life
- To provide effective training for members of staff so that each person has opportunities to develop to his/her potential
- Always to consider the most effective means of achieving the aims
We aim to foster an ordered, stimulating environment where learning can flourish; where people are happy, confident and safe in a caring community, with an emphasis on personal relationships. To achieve this, firm but fair discipline is needed. Our policy is to promote good behaviour, self-discipline and positive attitudes. We feel it is important that good behaviour is achieved through a balance of rewards and sanctions.